16 June 2010

Hourly rates and how to sign up

Rates quoted are per hour per student and for a minimum of 1.5 hours per session. Ad hoc sessions may be requested, subject to availability of tutor, but priority will be given to regular students.

Venue: Popular student's preference is student's home. Likely tutor's preference is tutor's home in Jurong, to be further advised prior to first lesson.

No. of students: Generally 1-to-1 unless student signs up together with his/her friend(s).

Venue \ No. of Students | 1 | 2 | 3 | Group(up to 6)
Student's preference | $70 | $50 | $40 | $30
Tutor's preference | $60 | $40 | $30 | $25

Send an e-mail to doublem.sg@gmail.com now with the following information:

Your name:
School and level: (e.g. XX Junior College, JC1)
Subject: (e.g. H2 Maths)
Current grade: (score of latest major test or average grade in previous tests)
Target grade:

Why you find Maths difficult: (e.g. exam panic, careless mistakes, can't understand topics X&Y, difficulty with graphs, don't know how to tackle a question if it hasn't appeared in tutorials before, too much stuff to remember)
How you think I can help you:

Preferred tuition class size: (indicate name(s) of friend(s) if size is more than 1)
Preferred venue: (enter Tutor's preference for lower rates!)
Preferred duration per session: (minimum of 1.5 hours)
Preferred time slots:

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